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Monday Morning Manna

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Cover Image of These Also Prayed

Order your copy of Dr. Crawford's
These Also Prayed.

Sermon Series on Prayer

Pastor-less Again

I’ve been privileged to serve twenty-nine churches as Interim Pastor-from the ending of one pastor until the beginning of the next pastor.  I’ve served people who were sad (at the loss of a beloved pastor).  I’ve served people who were mad (at the pastor for leaving or retiring).  I’ve even served a few people who were glad (upset at the pastor and happy he is gone).  Whether sad, mad, or glad, every church was full of people in need, and I’ve felt honored to serve them. Now it’s my turn.  For the fourth time in my life, my pastor has either resigned or retired.  I have a problem that a few others share.  My pastors become my friends.  I take them to lunch. I share personal things with them.  I listen to their challenges and struggles.  I pray with and for them.  Having been a Pastor’s son, as well as a pastor myself, I  find it easy to be a Pastor’s friend.  So once again, I am both pastor-less, and I’m losing the closeness of a friend.  Ever been there?  I know some of you have, because many of my readers are members of churches where I served as Interim Pastor, and I prayed you through your interim time.  Now it’s time for you to pray me through mine and join me in praying that my next pastor will also, “Walk worthy of the calling with which he is called” (Ephesians 4:1).


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