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Cover Image of These Also Prayed

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These Also Prayed.

Sermon Series on Prayer

Forgotten Endings

Memory is one of God’s greatest gifts.  The writer of Proverbs says, “The memory of the just is blessed” (Proverbs 10:7). I’m a member of a Facebook group called, “Houston Memories.” Recently a picture of the inside of the Majestic Theater brought back memories of Friday night double dates.  One particular, Friday evening, as I was waiting to be picked up, my Pastor-Father asked which movie we were going to see.  When I admitted that I didn’t know, he replied, “I don’t want you going to that Elizabeth Taylor movie. Now picture four teenagers from the same Baptist church headed to downtown Houston, when the driver asked, if we wanted to go see “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” (staring Elizabeth Taylor)?  I lost a three-to-one vote that night. We slipped in and sat in the back row, praying that we wouldn’t get caught.  Just as the movie began, two adult couples from our church came in and sat in the row right in front of us. One of them was the Chairman of the Deacons. I never got to see the last five minutes of that movie since we slipped out a bit early, lest we be seen, reported, and become the first teenagers to be ex-communicated from a Baptist church. I’m sure there was a powerful life-lesson learned that night, but I don’t remember it.  That’s another good thing about memories – the older you get the more forgotten endings you have.  But I am still blessed.


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