Books by Dr. Dan Crawford
EvangeLife: A Guide to Lifestyle Evangelism.
Where One is Gathered in His Name.
Single Adults: Resource and Recipient for Revival.
Church Growth Words from the Risen Lord.
Families Reaching Families.
Connecting with God.
Before Revival Begins.
DiscipleShape: Twelve Weeks to Spiritual Fitness.
The Prayer-Shaped Disciple.
Night of Tragedy, Dawning of Light: The Wedgwood Baptist Shootings.
Walking the Talk.
Prayer Walking: A Journey of Faith.
One Anothering: Praying Through Challenges Together.
Coping With Conflict: A Measure of Discipleship
God’s Formula for Genuine Happiness
Mud Hen in a Peacock Parade: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Heaven, Second Edition
Ambassadors on Mission: The Priority of Prayer and Proclamation.
Giving Ourselves to Prayer: An Acts 6:4 Primer for Ministry.
Morning Manna: Hidden & Unhidden
The Light Shines On: An Update of Night of Tragedy Dawning of Light, The Wedgwood Baptist Shootings.
Praying through the Beatitudes
Crisis Care, Crisis Prayer: Forty Days of Care and Prayer for the Caregiver. (Co-authored with Dr. Vicki Gilliam)
Praying through the Seven Churches of Revelation and Beyond
These Also Prayed: A Year of Prayer Thoughts from Authors You May or May Not Know.
More Morning Manna.