Books on the Beatitudes
Compiled by Dr. Dan R. Crawford
Allen, Charles L. The Sermon on the Mount. Westwood, NJ: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1966.
Allen, J. P. The Sermon on the Mount: the Kingdom of God. Nashville, Broadman Press, 1959.
Allen, R. Earl. Divine Dividends. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1974.
Augsburger, Myron S. The Expanded Life. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1972.
Barclay, William. The Beatitudes and The Lord’s Prayer for Everyman. New York: Harper and Row Publishers, 1963.
Boice, James M. The Sermon on the Mount. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1972.
Carson, D. A. The Sermon on the Mount. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1978.
Carter, Warren. What Are They Saying About Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount? New York: Paulist Press, 1994.
Chambers, Oswald. Studies in the Sermon on the Mount. London: Marshall, Morgan & Scott, reprint,
Chappell, Clovis G. The Sermon on the Mount. Nashville: Cokesbury Press. 1930; Grand Rapids:
Baker Book House, 1975.
Cooke, Frank. Jesus Rules OK: An Up to Date Guide to the Sermon on the Mount. West Sussex, England: Henry Walter LTD, 1978.
Colton, C.E. The Sermon on the Mount. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1960.
Davis, William David. The Sermon on the Mount. Cambridge: University Press, 1966.
Eddleman, H. Leo. Teachings of Jesus in Matthew 5-7. Nashville: Convention Press, 1955.
Fisher, Fred L. The Sermon on the Mount. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1976.
Garland, David. Reading Matthew. Macon, GA: Smyth & Helwys, 1993.
Guelich, Robert A. The Sermon on the Mount. Dallas: Word Publishing, 1982.
Hamm, Dennis. The Beatitudes in Context. Wilmington, DL: Michael Glazier, 1990.
Hargrove, H. H. At the Master’s Feet. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1944.
Hastings, Robert J. Take Heaven Now. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1968.
Hendricks, Herman. The Sermon on the Mount. London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1979.
Henson, William E. The Inaugural Message of the King. New York: Vantage Press, 1954.
Hughes, R. Kent. The Sermon on the Mount. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2001.
Hunter, Archibald M. A Pattern for Life. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1953, reprint 1965.
Jeremias, Jochim. The Sermon on the Mount. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1963.
Jones, E. Stanley. The Christ of the Mountain. New York: Abingdon Press, 1931.
Lawlor, George L. The Beatitudes Are for Today. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1974.
Lloyd- Jones, D. Martyn. Studies in the Sermon on the Mount. Grand Rapids: Wm. B.
Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1959.
Mac Arthur, John, Jr. The Mac Arthur New Testament Commentary Matthew 1-7. Winona
Lakes, IN: BMH Books, 1985.
Martin, Hugh. The Beatitudes. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1953.
Meyers, F. B. Blessed Are Ye. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1955.
McEachern, Alton H. From the Mountain. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1983.
Montizambert, Eric. The Flame of Life. Greenwich, CT: Seabury Press, 1955.
Paker, Hankins Fred. Earth’s Greatest Sermon. Orlando: Christ for the World, 1973.
Pentecost, J. Dwight. Design for Living. Chicago: Moody Press, 1975.
Pink Arthur, W. An Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1950.
Price, Nelson. Supreme Happiness. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1979.
Shinn, Roger Lincoln. The Sermon on the Mount. Philadelphia: United Church Press, 1962.
Stott, John R W. The Message of the Sermon on the Mount. Downers Grove: Inter Varsity Press,1978.
————- Sermon on the Mount: 13 Studies for Individuals or Groups. Downers Grove:
InterVaristy Press, 1987.
Talbert, Charles H. Reading the Sermon on the Mount. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2004.
Thompson, Ernest Trice. The Sermon on the Mount. Richmond: John Knox Press, 1946.
Tolar, William B. Teaching Guide for Matthew 5-7. Nashville: Convention Press, 1992.
Trench, Richard Chevevix. Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount Drawn from the Writings
of St. Augustine. London: Mac Millian and Company, 1869.
West, Edward, N. God’s Image in Us. New York: The World Publishing Company, 1960.