Enhancing On-going Ministry Through Equipping, Encouraging, and Interceding

View Dr. Dan's new Podcast,
"Discipleship Directives" with Vidal Muniz for
the Valley Baptist Missions Education Center.

Monday Morning Manna

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Monday Morning Manna Subscribe here.
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Morning Manna: Hidden and Unhidden.
Cover Image of These Also Prayed

Order your copy of Dr. Crawford's
These Also Prayed.

Sermon Series on Prayer

Sermons on Prayer

The Prayer-Shaped Disciple book cover.

The sermons below are based on the book, The Prayer-Shaped Disciple by Dr. Dan Crawford. They were recorded at the First Baptist Church of Denison, Texas in September 2018.

You can download a copy of the book here.

CONNECTING WITH HEAVEN: The Prayer-Shaped Disciple Prays with Heavenly Prayer Partners.

Summary: The Bible introduces and instructs believers related to their heavenly prayer partners. 

WHERE TWO OR THREE ARE GATHERED: The Prayer-Shaped Disciple Prays with Earthly Prayer Partners    

Summary: Praying together has advantages over praying alone.

LISTEN UP: The Prayer-Shaped Disciple Prays with an Awareness of God’s Responses

Summary: The Bible records a variety of God’s responses to prayer.

ACTing UP: The Prayer-Shaped Disciple Prays with Basic Ingredients.

Summary: The Bible offers several ingredients to prayer. 

Where One is Gathered: The Prayer-Shaped Disciple Prays With Earthly Prayer Partners

Summary: The Bible gives clear guidance on both how to have a private prayer life and how to pray in public.


Dr. Dan describes Disciple All Nations and shares updates.

New Books

Dr. Dan's newest books are available on Amazon!

More Morning Manna Book

Praying through the Beatitudes Book

Crisis Care Crisis Prayer Book

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