Sermons on Prayer
The sermons below are based on the book, The Prayer-Shaped Disciple by Dr. Dan Crawford. They were recorded at the First Baptist Church of Denison, Texas in September 2018.
You can download a copy of the book here.
CONNECTING WITH HEAVEN: The Prayer-Shaped Disciple Prays with Heavenly Prayer Partners.
Summary: The Bible introduces and instructs believers related to their heavenly prayer partners.
WHERE TWO OR THREE ARE GATHERED: The Prayer-Shaped Disciple Prays with Earthly Prayer Partners
Summary: P
LISTEN UP: The Prayer-Shaped Disciple Prays with an Awareness of God’s Responses
Summary: The Bible records a variety of God’s responses to prayer.
ACTing UP: The Prayer-Shaped Disciple Prays with Basic Ingredients.
Summary: The Bible offers several ingredients to prayer.
Where One is Gathered: The Prayer-Shaped Disciple Prays With Earthly Prayer Partners
Summary: The Bible gives clear guidance on both how to have a private prayer life and how to pray in public.