Commments from Others
“Retirement is not a concept found in scripture. Dr. Crawford fully understands this and has embraced God’s “reassignment” after retirement from the classroom. In our three-day senior adult conference he helped our folks understand they can serve, reassigned, with kingdom joy and effectiveness. He is an exceptional communicator who proficiently exegetes both the text and culture.” JD Templeton, Minister of Adult Discipleship, Trinity Baptist Church , Kerrville, Texas
“It was a tremendous blessing to have Dr. Crawford lead us in a “Prayer Shaped Disciple” conference. We were both challenged and blessed to dig deeper in prayer.” Kevin Hanel, Pastor, Beverly Hills Baptist Church Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
“God blessed our church through Dr. Dan as he led a “Prayer Shaped Disciple” conference which included five sessions. From teens to young adults to 90 somethings, all were blessed, challenged and encouraged in their own prayer journeys. I still hear people talking about the conference and its impact on deepening their own prayer life. Many of our folks are also following Dr. Dan’s Monday Morning Manna and being blessed even more. I so appreciated his candidness and encouragement to our people and to me. Prayer is definitely growing here in Amarillo.” Pastor Danny Logan, Bell Avenue Baptist Church, Amarillo, Texas.
“It was a joy to have Dr. Crawford as Interim Pastor for 17 months. I particularly liked the way he started each sermon with a “Sermon in a Sentence” and off we would go. His depth and humor was captivating for our struggling congregation and he helped us get through some very difficult days. I particularly liked the series he preached on “The Prayer-Shaped Disciple”. We were a hurting congregation and needed that series more than anything he did during his time with us. As we began to get focused on our priority of prayer things began to happen rapidly. What a great 17 months it was and we are a much more prayerful, and fruitful congregation because of Dr. Dan.” Mike Davenport, Interim Church Administrator, First Baptist Church, Denison, Texas.
“We were blessed to have Dr. Dan Crawford come and lead “The Prayer-Shaped Disciple” conference for our congregation and community.” Jon Herrin, Pastor, First United Methodist Church, Rio Grande City, Texas.
“Dr. Crawford led the adult conference in our three night Family – Palooza event on “The Prayer Shaped Disciple.” Teenagers, young adults, middle agers and senior adults up to 97 years of age were biblically instructed and spiritually challenged in their prayer life. Dan’s humble, practical approach, filled with real life illustrations hit a home run with our people. The last session when he shared about a praying church from Acts and then how to pray for your pastor was extremely convicting. He shared things under the Lord’s leadership that South Park needed to hear.” Dr. Howard Daniel, Pastor, South Park Baptist Church, Alvin, Texas.
“Dr. Dan has been with us in Mexico City numerous times. He has been a blessing to our church. Every time he comes and shares with us we are greatly enriched and challenged. We appreciate him for coming and helping us every time we call on him.” Lynn Sasser, Senior Pastor, Capital City Baptist Church, Mexico City
“It was a typical Sunday morning in our church. We were midway in an interim season and Dr. Dan was our ‘In the mean time’ pastor. I hadn’t taken a day off in two months and had just been through a discouraging few meetings with a few disgruntled members when I found myself sitting in his office chatting before the service began. I was struggling with whether or not I should tell him. Honestly, being in ministry for more than twelve years at the time I was ashamed to admit it to myself. I sure didn’t want to admit it to a veteran of ministry like him. But I needed help! I was worn out of struggling with this truth, so I told him. ‘Dr. Dan, I…I have lost my joy for ministry.’ Expecting some profound theological discourse on my calling as a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ or how the Father never leaves us or forsakes us I was a bit taken back by what he ACTUALLY said. With the wisdom that only comes from decades of experience, Dr. Dan looked at me and chuckled! He actually CHUCKLED! In my time of ‘distress and despair’ he chuckled! He then said, ‘Suck it up! It will come back.’ Then he walked out of the office leaving me empty and wanting. LOL. Actually, he left the office with me being more encouraged than ever before. ‘Suck it up! It will come back.’ It WILL come back. I followed him down the hall to the service and decided that day to ‘suck it up’ and serve well. Dr. Dan served our church well during our interim time and because of that we are now a much more healthy church. And yes, I have my joy back! Thank you, Dr. Dan, for your influence in my life. And thank you for not telling me what I wanted to hear, but what I needed to hear.” Preston Cave, Former Minister of Students, First Baptist Church, Grandview, Texas
“Thank you for sharing with us. I’ve had several people share with me today how much they enjoyed your message last night. Thank you for challenging our people to be prayerful leaders.” Dr. Stewart Holloway, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Pineville, LA
“Our church has been in the process of grieving the sudden loss of our pastor last summer. We are also in the process of searching for God`s man to be our new pastor. Prayer has been central to our church during this time. Dan Crawford conducted a prayer seminar January 8. His insight and encouragement has been central to us moving forward in these areas. His wealth of experience and knowledge on this subject has been a source of strength to our congregation.” Danny Roberts, Executive Pastor, North Richland Hills Baptist Church
“On every night of our revival service Dr. Crawford stood humbly before us, speaking what God had laid upon his heart. Dr. Crawford’s messages were excellent, in that they were presented from the heart, rather than from his vast education. He possesses the God given ability to teach in a manner that no one is left wondering what was said or meant. All in attendance were challenged, encouraged, convicted, and enlightened through a mixture of Scripture, seriousness, illustrations, and humor, plainly evident in each message.” Scott Seeley, Former Pastor, Center Point Baptist Church, Weatherford, Texas
“Our church was blessed to host Dr. Crawford this past weekend as he led a two hour seminar on prayer. God has enabled him to communicate in a practical manner. He shared practical insights following the terrible incident at Wedgewood Baptist Church as well as from his experience in prayer-walking around the world. Our church will use this teaching to develop a strategy for praying for the lost.” Dr. Scott Maze, Former Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Van Buren, Arkansas
“Thank you Dr. Crawford for leading First Baptist Church of Academy, TX in the weekend EvangeLife seminar last November to encourage our members to share their faith in Jesus Christ. Three months later, God blessed us as you lead FBCA in a revival. The Lord spoke through you to lead several to overcome pride issues that were keeping them from being obedient to God. Another blessing was seen when a parent contacted me to let me know they led their 6 year old daughter to the Lord after they returned home from one of the services. May God bless your ministry to the Lord.” Brent Boatwright, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Academy, Texas
“I truly appreciate Dr. Crawford’s leadership for many reasons. Specifically, I am grateful for his, “Prayer-Shaped Disciple” seminar he led over a series of Wednesday nights at our church. He did a fabulous job of sharing the power of prayer through humor, personal stories and scripture. Dan has a gift for communicating a challenging message with love and humility.” Jim Broome, Former Minister to Adults, Shady Oaks Baptist Church, Hurst, Texas
“Our summer ended with a ‘Share, Care, and Prayer Sunday’. We collected our fifth Sunday world hunger offering to express our care, but enlisted Dr. Dan Crawford to challenge us in share and prayer. That he did! He met with a prayer team before Bible study, encouraged all adults in sharing their faith during the Bible study hour, preached in worship on prayer, and then held everyone’s attention after a church-wide lunch to challenge them in prayer walking! I don’t know of many teachers who could deliver so well in such a demanding schedule, but Dan did. Our people left with practical tools for their lives. I look forward to a continued relationship between Dan and our church. Ken Hugghins, Pastor, Elkins Lake Baptist Church, Huntsville, Texas
“Dr. Dan Crawford is a dedicated man of God. His prayer-walking team was well prepared for the adventure in which they came to participate. They made a difference in our work as God opened the doors in answer to their prayers.” Phil Oakley, Missionary, Benin, West Africa, International Mission Board, SBC
“Dr. Dan Crawford was the teacher on our “7 Churches Tour” of Turkey. He did an excellent job of opening the scriptures for us and making our time there a very meaningful and touching experience. I would recommend him as a teacher/leader for a missions team without reservation and with the strongest commendation! C.W. (Sonny) Sweatman, Jr., Associate Director, Retired, Volunteers In Mission Department, International Mission Board, SBC
“Dr. Dan Crawford recently preached a revival meeting in our church. Dan’s vast experience and faithful walk enable him to deliver penetrating messages. His application of God’s Word is his strength.” Wade Taylor, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Alvarado, Texas
“The prayer-walking team led by Dan Crawford to Nagasaki, Japan, was well prepared, serious about the task, and willing to step in alongside the path we were on in church planting. They were a joy to host. Dan’s heart is only that wants to see God’s heart accomplished in the nations.” Ronny Cooksey, Former Missionary to Japan, International Mission Board, SBC
“Since I believe that strategic planning in missions is impossible apart from one’s personal walk with the Lord I invited Dr. Dan Crawford to spend a day with the strategy coordinators in Western Europe. He led several sessions on a topic that I had selected beforehand, ‘Staying Sharpe Spiritually.’ We were blessed and challenged by what he shared from one of his books, ‘DiscipleShape:12 Weeks to Spiritual Fitness.’ Dr. Crawford is an excellent communicator of spiritual truth, blending sound theology with personal transparency.” Lonnie Reynolds, Strategy Associate for Western Europe, International Mission Board of the SBC
“The Family Life Ministry of Plymouth Park Baptist Church invited Dr. Dan Crawford to speak at our Men’s Prayer Breakfast. He challenged our men on the basics of prayer. His books, ‘The Prayer-Shaped Disciple’ and ‘DiscipleShape’ are being used as curriculum this summer to help bring prayer back as a top priority in our church.” Byron Jackson, Former Minister of Family Life, Plymouth Park Baptist Church, Irving, Texas
“Dr. Crawford spent four months with us at the Bible Seminary in Bonn, Germany, training students in discipleship and prayer. A year after his time here, students are still talking about Dr. Crawford’s courses and implementing those things learned in his course. We are thankful for his contribution to the school.” Dr. Mark Wagner, International Mission Board, SBC Missionary, Germany
“Dr. Dan Crawford spent Saturday morning training 160 of our people in the exercise of Prayer Walking. He did so in a very personable, transparent, and honest way, using personal experiences woven with Scripture to convey training that was both practical and challenging. His teaching was non-threatening, humorous, and very down-to-earth.” Reggie Bowman, Former Minister of Education, Pioneer Drive Baptist Church, Abilene, Texas
“There are events and then there are ‘significant’ events. I believe this past weekend’s prayer conference, led by Dr. Crawford, falls into the ‘significant’ event category. Our lives will be different, our church will be different, and our community will be different.” Dr. Doug Cassady, Missions Pastor, First Baptist Church of The Woodlands, Texas
“As a former student of Dr. Crawford at Southwestern Seminary, I would leave class challenged each time. As a pastor leading a church into a season of renewal, I knew that I wanted the church to be challenged especially in the area of prayer so I called Dr. Crawford. The Lord used him to challenge our congregation. Once again, I left challenged and refreshed.” Tracy Don Holcomb, Former Pastor, First Baptist Church Milsap, Texas.
“This revival meeting was one of the more significant experiences since our arrival in Santiago last year. Many people in our congregation made commitments to rededicate their lives to the Lord and to find ways to serve in a more meaningful way. We will continue to reap the benefits of God’s blessing in our people and in those who are now searching for meaning in life.” Victor Rios, Former Pastor, Santiago Christian Fellowship, Santiago, Dominican Republic
“A veil has kept many of our church members from realizing the true nature and power of prayer. Dr. Crawford revealed the mystery of Biblical prayer in a unique and practical fashion. Because of this, there are many believers who will never pray the same. Terry Young, Former Pastor, North Euless Baptist Church, Euless, Texas
“For the last several years, Dr. Dan Crawford has been a regular pulpit guest at Forest Hills. Dan first preached for us at our annual Conference on Revival and Renewal, and the people demanded more! His conference messages on prayer served as the initial catalyst for what would become a 24-hour Prayer Ministry at our church. We will be having Dr. Crawford again for our conference in 2002. More than any other person, Dan Crawford has helped our church grow and stretch in the areas of evangelism and discipleship. We will continue to have him as long as the Lord allows.” Dr. Jerry L. Winfield, Former Senior Pastor, Forest Hills Baptist Church, Nashville, Tennessee
“When Dr. Crawford and Joanne left our home after his first Sunday as Interim Pastor at First Baptist Church in Decatur, Texas, I turned to my wife and said, ‘those are the kind of people we’ll enjoy calling when we’re in Fort Worth and saying, let’s get together for dinner.’ She agreed. It happened. They’re two of our dearest friends. God has used Dr. Crawford effectively in wonderful ways in places all around the globe. I’m honored to sit at a football game with such a friend.” Gerre Joiner, Former Minister of Music, First Baptist Church, Decatur, Texas
“Many of the younger adults in our church had never experienced a revival service. After the Sunday morning which began the revival meeting, I heard many of them express how much they appreciated Dr. Crawford’s preaching. In fact, during the revival and even now, I heard some of them say, ‘I remember Dr. Crawford said. . .’. Our church truly ‘connected’ and God did great things in our time with Dan. I plan to invite him back soon.” Gary Lynn Brinkley, Former Pastor, First Baptist Church, Round Rock, Texas
“Working with Dan Crawford on the book, ‘Giving Ourselves to Prayer’, was a surprising joy. Surprising because the task we faced was arduous and detailed but at every turn Dan found a way to get it done while making me smile. As we worked through each chapter his personal passion to equip pastors in the spiritual disciplines and skills of praying came through loud and clear. It is my belief the work of compiling this textbook will serve the Body of Christ for generations to come.” Phil Miglioratti, National Pastors’ Prayer Network
“Thanks Dr. Crawford for an excellent message on our annual meeting theme, ‘Revive Us Again’. Your message on 2 Chronicles 7:14 was the best I’ve ever heard on the subject. God used you to challenge our people with straight talk and loving spirit. Our meeting was taken to a much higher level because of your participation. You are greatly appreciated.” Mike Tompkins, Former Executive Director, Comanche-Cotton Baptist Association, Oklahoma
“Dr. Dan Crawford’s messages at our Associational Prayer and Evangelism Conference were biblical, motivational, and relevant. Pastors, church staff members, and lay leaders alike were blessed and challenged to growth in prayer and evangelism. I have reviewed my notes several times since the event and have discovered meaningful applications for my life and ministry.” Mark Kemp, Pastor, First Baptist Church of Copperas Cove, Texas, Greater Fort Hood Baptist Association Prayer Coordinator
“Biggest thanks to Dr. and Mrs. Crawford for being willing to invest in Central and Eastern Europe in this most significant and strategic way!” Rodney Hammer, Former Regional Leader, Central and Eastern Europe, International Mission Board, SBC, Prague, Czech Republic
“The National Rally of Campers on Mission was blessed by the three Bible study sessions led by Dan Crawford at out recent meeting in Waco, Texas. Dr. Crawford related beautifully to our seniors with a study of Jesus and with humor and then stayed around to visit with the 450 attendees. We were all truly blessed.” Dr. Bob Raus, Direct Ministries Coordinator, Campers on Mission of Texas
“We just finished our prayer-revival with Dr. Dan Crawford. Dr. Crawford brought new life to our church by emphasizing the most powerful resource we have as Christians, that being prayer. Our people laughed some, listened a lot, and left the meetings spiritually invigorated. May God continue to use Dr. Crawford to call Christians to Himself through prayer.” Tom Fleming, Former Pastor, Trinity Baptist Church, McAllen, Texas
“Dr. Dan Crawford served as interim pastor at Central Baptist Church in Livingston, Texas for two different terms. The second term he served, our church needed divine intervention. That divine intervention came from God as he sent Dr. Crawford our way. Dan guided us through a very hard time in the life of our church. His experience in working with troubled churches, preaching and application of God’s word, and his faith in prayer, was the catalyst that pulled us through a very hard time.” Joel Salazar, Former Associate Pastor of Worship, Central Baptist Church, Livingston, Texas
“Having literally prayer walked around the world with Dan Crawford and having witnessed the effectiveness of his ministry over many years, I commend him to you with the prayer that Christ will be exalted and His kingdom extended through his ministry among you.” Randy Sprinkle, Former Director, International Prayer Strategy Office, Southern Baptist Convention
“Our church was blessed by the Prayer Conference led by Dan Crawford. It was very biblically based, well presented, and very practical. I encourage you to have him in your church.” Jere D. Mitchell, Retired Pastor, First Baptist Church, Fayetteville, Arkansas
“We were helped a great deal in our ministry by studies with Dr. Dan Crawford in classes at Southwestern Baptist Seminary dealing with Church Growth Evangelism, and Prayer. Later, he greatly encouraged and helped our mission in West Africa by sharing his experiences and thoughts on prayer at a spiritual retreat for all of our missionaries. We highly recommend his seminars on evangelism, discipleship and prayer.” Clarence and Lynne Lance, International Mission Board, SBC, Retired Missionaries to the Mossi People of West Africa
“We were very fortunate to have Dr. Dan Crawford spend the weekend with us and lead in a seminar on Prayer. Dr. Crawford has a way of explaining God’s Word on Prayer in a very simple, understandable way. He is an excellent communicator and speaks as a man of experience. I recommend you get him if you can.” Roy Parker, Retired Pastor, Memorial Baptist Church, Temple, Texas