Enhancing On-going Ministry Through Equipping, Encouraging, and Interceding

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"Discipleship Directives" with Vidal Muniz for
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Monday Morning Manna

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Morning Manna: Hidden and Unhidden.
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These Also Prayed.

Sermon Series on Prayer

About Dr. Dan Crawford

Senior Professor of Evangelism & Missions; occupant Chair of Prayer, Emeritus; Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas.

Member of America’s National Prayer Committee and former leader of the task force for teaching prayer in theological education

Administrative Cousultant, Valley Baptist Missions Education Center, Rio Grande Valley, Texas.

Former Spiritual Life & Leadership Mentor, WestCoast Baptist Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Former pastor, university campus minister, National Evangelism Consultant with the Southern Baptist North American Mission Board.

Graduate of Howard Payne University, Brownwood, Texas, and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (3 degrees), Fort Worth TX

Former International Service Corps appointee to China, Germany, and the Central & Eastern European Region with the Southern Baptist International Mission Board.

Trained more than 2,500 seminary students in revival preaching through the seminary’s Spring Revival Evangelism Practicum (now called “Reach the Nations”).

Ministered in all 50 states, every Canadian Province, and 59 foreign countries.

Author, Co-Author, or Complier of 27 books.

Guest professor at the Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary, Hong Kong Baptist Seminary and Bonn (Germany) Bible Seminary.

Past-President, Howard Payne University, Alumni Association, Board of Directors, Brownwood, TX

Recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award, Howard Payne University, Brownwood, TX

Interim Pastor of twenty-nine churches in Texas and Oklahoma.

Member of Wedgwood Baptist Church, Fort Worth, TX


Dr. Dan describes Disciple All Nations and shares updates.

New Books

Dr. Dan's newest books are available on Amazon!

More Morning Manna Book

Praying through the Beatitudes Book

Crisis Care Crisis Prayer Book

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