Some dentists instruct patients to bite down on a tea bag if their gums are bleeding following extraction of a tooth. Other than that, a tea bag is of very little use alone. However, let the tea bag be infused with boiling water and hot tea results. This image is reflected in Paul’s words in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens (infuses) me.” We may not be able to do much with our circumstances, but when we allow our circumstances to be infused with God’s strength, we are strengthened. Need to do anything this week and not sure how to do it? Allow the Lord to infuse you with His strength. Now that’s a truth on which you can bite down.
When the Spirit Departs
Something happened to Saul that I fear. I Samuel 16:14 says, “The Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul.” We Baptists believe strongly that once a person is saved they are always saved – the eternal security of the believer. However once filled and controlled by the Holy Spirit, not always filled and controled by the Spirit. One can lay their “all on the alter,” then crawl off. In his wonderful new devotional book, “This Day with the Master”, Dennis Kinlaw writes, “A person who has known intimacy with the Holy Spirit can lose that intimacy. This is why it is never safe to find security in merely talking about the Holy Spirit without obeying him.” Talk about the Holy Spirit? If you dare! Obey the Holy Spirit? Absolutely!
Every year I read Oswald Chambers’ classic devotional book, My Utmost for His Highest. I have worn out several copies. This year when I read the devotion on Feb. 9, I was reminded of the souce of my strength. In late January and early February each year I am responsible for recruiting, training, asssigning to churches, planning travel itineraries for approximately 100 student-preachers who will be preaching revival meetings in 31 states during the Seminary’s spring break in March. So each year about this time I feel exhausted. Then I read Oswald Chambers: “He saved and sancitified you in order to exhaust you. Be exhausted for God, but remember that your supply comes from Him.” Amen.